Happiness Fills this blog
You must always be HAPPY here :) Smile& Laugh lots ♥ Ling (:

Miss Happy

Give a short introduction, make it fancy and not so boring. Hew Ee Ling is the name label on my body when I born to this earth. I'm having my sweet fourteen now. I always laugh too hard at those stupid things. And, this is me. Bold italic underline

Tuesday, February 9, 2010.

few more days to go ,
cny is coming.
& also valentine's day.
tho i don't hope it comes, but i know time won't stop because of me.
almost two weeks time,
what will happen during the days ? nobody knows.

hope it won't change.

Happiness is Best @ (: 7:09 PM

Tuesday, February 2, 2010.

Few more hours later, and I'm 15 !

Don't even know how to describe my feelings.
But, don't know why. My six sense kept telling me won't happen what thing.
I feel sad. But don't know why.

After that day.
You seldom reply my message.
Awwww. What happened and why ? ):
Happiness is Best @ (: 9:13 PM

Monday, January 4, 2010.

Today is the first day school reopen.
Awwwwwww. I felt so happy and excited yesterday night.
Urm. I can just describe it like - ants walking here walking there. Ahaha.
What am I exciting ?
Maybe I can meet people who I miss lots ? Maybe. Ahaha ;D

But, still want to say Hello, School school ! Urm. Why I pretend like a child ?
Sweatt = =
I get caught cause my socks. Maybe really short. Tho, I don't think so. Ahaha.
Nevermind, I'll change the socks tomorrow.
My form teacher is Pn. Zakiah. Vanessaaaaa ! Ahahaha. LOL. You know what I mean ?

Your hair is cute now ! Awww.
I miss you.

And that's a good news.
Know what ?
I can sit with Sa in the class (:
Happiness is Best @ (: 5:47 PM

Thursday, December 24, 2009.

Hello, everyone !
I didn't update my blog for NYEARS already. Haha.
And I'm here to say Hello and Merry Christmas.
I can see lots of " Merry Christmas " in everywhere.

Today is 24th. I wish to know how are you.
But just forget it !
Cause we won't contact ? Don't know.

I am sick !
Stomach pain till now from yesterday night ):

Pig, Merry Christmas !
Happiness is Best @ (: 8:11 PM

Friday, December 4, 2009.

我的大名 : Hew Ee Ling
我的生日 : 03-02-1995
生日想得到什麼禮物 : Anything. * Useful better than useless.
近期壓力大的事 : No pressure ;D
想做的事 : You happy and I happy ! (:
有沒有喜歡的人 : Yeah
同學會要回去找老師嗎 : Yeah. Maybe. XDD !
跟誰出去最幸福 : Families. Pig. Friends.
如果你的兩個好有吵架了 : Ask them sit together and talk out everything honestly.
跟情人最想去哪 : Anywhere
聖誕節要做啥 : Wait to receive present from Santa ! Haha ;D
最想跟誰過聖誕 : People who I love
有沒有床氣 : No.
有幾個兄弟姊妹 : Two brother. And me ;D
最喜歡的ㄧ首歌 : 你看不到的天空
喜歡什麼顏色 : Blue& White.
上廁所會不會沖水 : Suree !
最想大聲說什麼 : I miss you so damn much !
半夜敢不敢上廁所 : Sureee !
最近看過最好看欲罷不能的小說是什麼 : No. LOL. Study more useful.
誰很欠打 : Don't want hit people & hurt myself. XDD !
現在很迷什麼 : Study ?
睡相很差 : Don'tknow. Also nobody take a picture let me have a look ! Haha.
現在的時間 : 1429
今天天氣 : Sunny day ! ;D
你若中樂透最想做什麼 : Buy everything I want. LOL.
大學生ㄧ定要玩的活動 : Mana saya tahu.
失眠後會 : Want find a stick hit faint myself. Haha.
你睡覺有流口水的情況 : Don't have.
近期開心的事 : Mwuahaha. Many
你經常通宵不睡 : No. I sleep very early ! ( I'm good girl. Haha. )
推薦ㄧ首最近很喜歡的歌 : 哭过了就好
你能夠和陌生人談戀愛嗎 : Cannot !
自由對於你來說有多重要 : Sure. I love to fly like a bird ! Haha (:
你人生中最想做的事情是什麼 : Smile everyday
你最想為所愛的人做什麼 : Everything :)

你打算幾時結婚 : Twenty - something ? HAHA.
你覺得生活有喜感嗎 : Ada. XDDD !
相不相信tarot : Maybe.
睡覺前第ㄧ件事 : Cover blanket.
起床後第ㄧ件事 : Think my pig. Hahah ;D
你的偶像 : Lee Min Ho Lucas Till
你喜歡的季節 : Summer.
打工次數 : Tak ada.
你想去的地方 : Japan ;D
你討厭什麼樣的個性 :
你會抽煙嗎 : No.
你會喝酒嗎 : Yeah. Lol (:
你常哭嗎 : Always laugh till cry. But don't know what I'm laughing. Lol.
你常笑嗎 : Suree ! I love smile lotss.
都睡到幾點 : 7.30 - 9.30 am
人你會選 : Huhh ?
機會和命運你會選擇 : Chance
你很自戀嗎 : Yeah. Haha.
你有穿耳洞麼 : Yeah. I love piercing.
這問卷多不多 : Quite. But love it, cause I'm boring.
喜歡吃冰嗎 : Yeah. Love it !
現在幸福嗎 : Super super duper hyper.
最在乎哪幾個朋友 : Sa Hwa Yan CheeYin WengSinn WengLi
房間裡最重要的東西是什麼 : Everything :) Specially clothes & bags.
男人精神出軌要不要原諒他 : Huhh. Erkhem. Too early to discuss this.
你認為人生的定義是什麼 : Smile everyday
如果沒有朋友你會怎麼做 : Be friend with others :)
如果天使可以滿足你ㄧ個願望你會要什麼 : People who around me happy everyday ! ;D
我為甚麼做這個答題 : People happy. You only will happy marh. Lol.
喜歡吃的水果 : Apples and Mangoes.
最怕別人問你什麼 : Don't know.
你喜歡雪嗎 : Like
下輩子要做什麼 : Angel. Haha.
還希望被點 : 蠻希望的 : Huhh.
舒克和貝塔喜歡哪個 : Don't know.
你最沒有耐心做的ㄧ件事是什麼 : I very patient garh. Haha.
不想看書的時候怎麼辦 : Text people. Close my eyes.
自己眼中的理想收入是多少(實際ㄧ點) : Can let me shop till drop.
你的暱稱是 : Pig ( ^@^ )

被点到必填,不填代表你不尊重传给你的人和问卷。2 。请老实回答每一问题3 。不能擅自涂改题目。4 。写完请点 几 位小朋友,不可以不点。5 。完后请通知那几位朋友他被点到了

Tak tau tag who. * Forgive me *

Tagged from

Happiness is Best @ (: 2:18 PM


Few days didn't online.
Oh mamama.
I just saw our auntie Sa's blog.
Clap hands worh. = =
MissBird will looking at you. Call me auntie worh.
Hahahahh. XDD !
Sorry for waking up you from your sweetdreams. LOL. ( Be careful with your saliva. Haha. )
But, seriously.
Auntie should wake up earlier. Mwuahaha.

Yan and Hwa went to the camp today.
So, went to tuition alone this morning.
The teacher is funny.
But I was alone ):
Happiness is Best @ (: 1:48 PM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009.

Q01、你的大名? Hew Ee Ling ;D
Q02、你認為什麼才算是真正幸福? Belong with the people I love
Q03、你們覺得友情重要還是愛情重要,為什麼? Two also important to me
Q04、你相信天長地久嗎?Yeah. I trust ! ;D
Q06、你現在過得快樂麼?Happy (:
Q07、如果有秘密,你真的會做到坦白的告訴對方嗎? Will. XDD !
Q08、喜歡小 baby 嗎? Yeah. Baby is cutee !
Q09、覺得友情是永遠的麼?Yeah. I believe
Q10、希望自己多大結婚?Twenty something. HAHA.
Q11、你會為他做自己從來不會做的事情? Yeah. I will
Q12、你覺得女生捲髮好還是直發好? Depends on people ger face.
Q13、最想去哪裡旅遊?Japan ;D
Q14、一輩子都不會忘記的事? Happy& Nice memories ! (:
Q15、如果愛一個人,是不是要拼命挽回他? I won't if the people's heart already fly away from me.
Q16、看到天空你想起的第一個人是誰? ( -@- )
Q17、你會愛他一輩子麼?Don't know lea.
Q18、喜歡你的人和你喜歡的人,你會選哪個? If I love ger people also love me, sure I will choose people who I love
Q19、你會以何種方式表現你對他(她)的愛? Everything I can do for the people.
Q20、如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?抱著他? Looking at the people.
Q21、如果你想痛扁一個人,你希望那個人是? Won't. Cause I don't want waste energy and hurt my hands.
Q22、你會後悔過自己的決定嗎? Sometimes.
Q23、現在最迷什麼? Study ?
Q24、你是好孩子嗎 ? Yea. I am ! HAHA ;D
Q25、覺得愛情和麵包哪個重要? Two also important
26、如果你失戀了你會怎麼樣? Cry till the building drop ? XDD !
Q27、如果你的 BF(GF)經常不回家的話,你會怎樣? We won't live together. LOL.

01、是誰傳給你這份問卷的?WengSinn. CheeYin. WengLi.
02、你們認識多久呢? One year ++
04、你與他的關係是? Best friends.
05、請問他的興趣是?Surfing internet. Texting.
06、你覺得他的個性如何?WengSinn : Cute, but I think she is the people who very easy get hurt ? CheeYin : Everytime dreaming when we are talking to her. HAHA. WengLi : She cry till very funny ! XD. But she is nice
07、他在你心目中是幾分?Cannot calculate like that
08、睡覺前第一件事?開風扇?喝水? Drink (:
09、你的偶像? Lee Min Ho Lucas Till
10、你喜歡的季節? Summer ;D
11、你打工麼? No.
12、打工次數? Tak ada.
13、你想去的國家? Japan !
14、你討厭什麼樣的個性?People who say or do lots bad things which is non of their business.
15、你會抽煙麼? Won't.
16、你會喝酒麼? Yeah. LOL.
17、你常哭麼? Maybe. XDD !
18、你常笑麼? Yeah. Laugh till I drop and don't know what am I laughing. HAHA.
19、你喜歡去哪玩?Everywhere with families, pig and friends.
20、去玩時喜歡自己一個人去麼? No (:
21、是假日時你都睡到幾 點? 7.8 or 9 something.
22、今天的天氣是? Good ! XDD.
23、你們知道最遠的距離是什麽嗎? Heart distance. Haha.

遊戲規則:1、被點名的人在我空間將這篇文章轉載到自己空間中,然後在編輯,刪去我的答案,要在自己的Q空間裡寫下自己的答案,然後傳給其他人,列出個需要回答問題的人的名字,通知對方被點名了. 被點名者不得拒絕回答問題,完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。
2 、這個人要在自己的Q空間裡註明是從哪裡接到問題的,並且再想一個題目傳給其他個人,讓幸福的遊戲繼續下去。
3 、不能回傳,否則犯規!
4 、被點到名字的人將得到大家的祝福,並且所有的美麗願望都會在不久後實現。

Don't know tag who. Cause people who I want to tag, already tag this and also tagged me ! HAHA ;D
Happiness is Best @ (: 12:48 PM

Monday, November 30, 2009.

Awwww. Long time didn't look at VanessaChoy's face.
Listened to her voice for 3 hours ++ . ( You are more noisy, okay ? XD. )
The phone is hot, like just came out from the oven. Haha.

Mummy kept looking at me and the phone.
Laugh till I can't breath.
Erkhem. Vanessaaaa !
Mushroom hair ? Weird glasses ? Haha.
Aunty Vanessa. * married

I miss everyone ! ;D

Happiness is Best @ (: 6:45 PM


Helloooo ! (:
Sorry for long time didn't update you.
Update you NOW.

* Smile *
imy ;D

" Goodbye, November ! "

I know this post is super damn weird. = =

Happiness is Best @ (: 3:46 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009.

This is the picture I found in Facebook.
It's weird and fugly.
- Class Party -
It's really fun ! (:
This is a picture when I was ready to burst a balloon.
But luckily,
I don't need SinKit's help. Haha (:

Taken by Rachel Lau.
Happiness is Best @ (: 10:58 PM